We’ve gone wild

Face of Conservation (as we were formally known) was/is still a project in its very early days. When Tom Mason and I first began working on it, we were thinking of producing a book of high quality photos. One day, we may still do.

But the project has evolved quickly and even within the first few months it has become clear that through our podcasts, photos and blogs what we are doing is giving a voice to people who are working to save nature. This was epitomised in a tongue in cheek comment by someone we interviewed yesterday who said she felt we had given her a voice. She was half joking, but it’s kind of true.

So, before Face of Conservation becomes too widely known, we’ve decided to rename ourselves and set off with a fresh pair of wings. We are now the Wild Voices Project.

We are also hoping to do some exciting international collaboration with other groups doing similar work around the world.

For the time being, we’ll continue to post our podcasts and blogs. And you can now find us at wildvoicesproject.org, @WildVoicesProj and fb.com/wildvoicesproject.

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